Obsługa modułu
Uczenie dodatkowej frazy wybudzającej
Aby nauczyć moduł nowej frazy wybudzającej (zawsze aktywne pozostaje “Hello Robot!“) należy po wywołaniu standardowym wygłosić frazę: Learning wake word“. Następnie podać nowe sformułowanie wybudzające. Ja podałem Hello Jane. Trzeba to zrobić trzykrotnie słuchając poleceń.
Biblioteka MicroPython
Biblioteka lekko zmodyfikowana. W oryginalnej był błąd w metodzie get_cmdid(). Poprawiony przez Chat GPT.
Uwaga! Kody nie działają dla ESP8266. Prawdopodobnie problem tkwi w bibliotece I2C. Może trzeba użyć softI2C? Sprawdzę.
Wszystko dobrze działa na ESP32.
from micropython import const
from machine import I2C, Pin
from utime import sleep
DF2301Q_I2C_ADDR = const(0x64)
class DFRobot_DF2301Q_I2C:
MicroPython class for communication with the DF2301Q from DFRobot via I2C
DF2301Q_I2C_REG_CMDID = const(0x02)
DF2301Q_I2C_REG_PLAY_CMDID = const(0x03)
DF2301Q_I2C_REG_SET_MUTE = const(0x04)
DF2301Q_I2C_REG_SET_VOLUME = const(0x05)
DF2301Q_I2C_REG_WAKE_TIME = const(0x06)
DF2301Q_I2C_8BIT_RANGE = const(0xFF)
def __init__(self, sda, scl, i2c_addr=DF2301Q_I2C_ADDR, i2c_bus=0):
Initialize the DF2301Q I2C communication
:param sda: I2C SDA pin
:param scl: I2C SCL pin
:param i2c_addr: I2C address
:param i2c_bus: I2C bus number
self._addr = i2c_addr
self._i2c = I2C(i2c_bus, sda=Pin(sda), scl=Pin(scl))
except Exception as err:
print(f'Could not initialize i2c! bus: {i2c_bus}, sda: {sda}, scl: {scl}, error: {err}')
def _write_reg(self, reg, data) -> None:
Writes data to the I2C register
:param reg: register address
:param data: data to write
:return: None
if isinstance(data, int):
data = [data]
self._i2c.writeto_mem(self._addr, reg, bytearray(data))
except Exception as err:
print(f'Write issue: {err}')
def _read_reg(self, reg, length) -> bytes:
Reads data from the I2C register
:param reg: register address
:param length: number of bytes to read
:return: bytes
result = self._i2c.readfrom_mem(self._addr, reg, length)
except Exception as err:
print(f'Read issue: {err}')
result = bytearray(length)
return result
def get_cmdid(self) -> int:
Returns the current command id
:return: int
data = self._read_reg(self.DF2301Q_I2C_REG_CMDID, 1)
return int(data[0])
def get_wake_time(self) -> int:
Returns the current wake-up duration
:return: int
data = self._read_reg(self.DF2301Q_I2C_REG_WAKE_TIME, 1)
return int(data[0])
def play_by_cmdid(self, cmdid: int) -> None:
Play the current command words by command id
:param cmdid: command words as integer
:return: None
self._write_reg(self.DF2301Q_I2C_REG_PLAY_CMDID, int(cmdid))
def set_wake_time(self, wake_time: int) -> None:
Set the wake-up duration of the device
:param wake_time: integer between 0 and 255
:return: None
wake_up_time = int(wake_time) & self.DF2301Q_I2C_8BIT_RANGE
self._write_reg(self.DF2301Q_I2C_REG_WAKE_TIME, wake_up_time)
def set_volume(self, vol: int) -> None:
Set the volume of the device
:param vol: integer between 1 and 7
:return: None
self._write_reg(self.DF2301Q_I2C_REG_SET_VOLUME, int(vol))
def set_mute_mode(self, mode) -> None:
Set the mute mode of the device
:param mode: integer 0 for off, 1 for on
:return: None
self._write_reg(self.DF2301Q_I2C_REG_SET_MUTE, int(bool(mode)))
Kod programu wyświetlającego na konsoli numery komend głosowych
from DFRobot_DF2301Q_I2C import DFRobot_DF2301Q_I2C
from micropython import const
from utime import sleep
SDA_PIN = const(21)
SCL_PIN = const(22)
SLEEP_SECONDS = const(3)
def setup(sensor) -> None:
Set up the DFRobot DF2301Q sensor
:param sensor: instance of DFRobot_DF2301Q_I2C
:return: None
def get_cmd_id(sensor) -> int:
Get the command id from the DF2301Q sensor
:param sensor: instance of DFRobot_DF2301Q_I2C
:return: int
command_id = sensor.get_cmdid()
return command_id if command_id != 0 else None
if __name__ == "__main__":
voice_sensor = DFRobot_DF2301Q_I2C(sda=SDA_PIN, scl=SCL_PIN)
print('Speak your commands:')
while True:
cmd_id = get_cmd_id(sensor=voice_sensor)
if cmd_id is not None:
print(f'COMMAND ID: {cmd_id}')
except Exception as e:
print(f'Initialization error: {e}')
- Oficjalna biblioteka Arduino:
- Dokumentacja:
- Biblioteka MicroPython (uwaga, błąd!):
- NerdCave, MicroPython